About Us

The Church of St. Nicolas, ‎situated within the compound of the ‎British ‎Embassy, is open to the diplomatic and ‎Ankara ex-pat community. Our ‎worship is within the ‎broad ‎experience of the Anglican ‎‎(Episcopalian) Church and is conducted in English.

We worship each Sunday at 10:30 am.‎ After the service we continue our ‎fellowship over light refreshments.‎

To discover more about the Diocese of Europe please visit: https://europe.anglican.org

To discover more about the Church of England please visit: https://www.churchofengland.org

For advice from the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office visit: https://www.gov.uk/world/turkey/news 

A Historical Note

The Anglican Church has had a ‎presence in Turkey for over 400 years, ‎albeit primarily located in the ‎great ‎trading cities of Constantinople and ‎Smyrna.‎

With the establishment of the Republic ‎of Turkey, embassies were relocated ‎to the new capital, ‎Ankara, where ‎successive chaplains exercised a ‎pastoral and liturgical ministry through ‎services ‎conducted in The Residence of ‎the British Embassy.‎

Anglican and American Episcopalians ‎met in the British Residence because ‎of the separation of ‎church and state ‎in the US. This very happy arrangement ‎led to the establishment in 1962 of ‎a ‎‎‘Chapel Committee’ consisting of ‎British and American members. The ‎committee initiated a ‎tendering ‎process for the construction of a ‎chapel in the grounds of the embassy, ‎supervised by ‎Carl Hammerschmidt, ‎Architect, Atilla Bilgutaym, Civil ‎Engineer, and Mark Cox, Consulting ‎Engineer. ‎In due course the contract ‎was awarded to HE-GE Kolt Şti, ‎represented by Sermet Yurtman.‎

On May 11th 1963 the new church was ‎dedicated by Bishop Stanley (Gibraltar).‎