Giving and support for Holy Trinity

Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.

(1 Chronicles 29:14)

Our mission as a city centre church in Geneva not only serves our internationally diverse congregation but also offers an open door to all who wish to come in and those in need.

We foster the living tradition of Anglican worship and the importance of music and embrace a lively youth programme.

All this needs resourcing. Our church is completely self-supporting and costs about CHF 1100 each day to run.

In addition, we have ongoing maintenance and improvement projects.

We also support appeals for needy causes within the Geneva community and further afield.

You can provide financial support to Holy Trinity Church and our sponsored causes in a variety of ways:

◊ regular giving through our pledge scheme,

◊ regular giving through the weekly collection plate or using any major debit or credit card

◊ one off donations (using any major debit or credit card via the church website)

◊ remembering HTC in your will

We also encourage our congregation to give not just financially but also of their talents, which makes for a friendly, inclusive, active, church