Regular services

Sunday Services
09:00 – A quiet, reflective service of Holy Communion.

10:30 – A more contemporary liturgical service with choir and children’s groups. A varying pattern including communion, and family worship. Junior Church in the church hall for 3-11 year olds and Youth groups for 11-15 year olds and 15+ group also meet at this time or join us for the service.
18:00 – Two or three Sundays of the month this involves traditional choral worship, and once a month (3rd Sunday) takes the form of an informal service. First Sunday of the month the evening service is followed by an apéro.

Coffee is served downstairs in the church hall after both the 9.00 and the 10.30 services each Sunday. Visitors to our church are especially welcome.

Weekday Services

- Online Eucharist at 10.00
-Lectio Divina prayer and Bible study sessions in church, from 12.30 – 13.15

Thursday – Holy Communion BCP at 10:00