Facilities and features


Available next to the church hall (basement level)

Available next to the church hall (basement level)

Please use the railings around the gardens for bike parking

Parking for those with disabled permits only is available on our forecourt when the forecourt is not in use for other activities,

Available next to the church hall (basement level),

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop

Assistance dogs are welcome in church.

Wheelchair access

Our Building

The church building is sometimes open for individual prayer - please feel free to try the front door.

We have several very beautiful stained-glass windows, some of which feature in tourist guides to Geneva.

Eco Church
Warm Space

The church building is a listed building and is overseen by the local authorities in this respect.

Music and Worship

Concerts are often held in the church - please see our website for details of forthcoming events : https://holytrinitygeneva.org

A much-treasured musical resource is the two-manual organ by Kuhn of Männedorf. Built in 1985, it represents the highest craftsmanship of the Swiss school of organ-building. Though small, it adapts very well to many different musical styles. In 2016 the organ underwent extensive restoration including the addition of electronic playing aids.
We hold numerous Organ Recitals and offer an organ scholarship with free tuition.

Book of Common Prayer Services

We are a mixed, robed choir specialising in the repertoire of the Anglican liturgy from early Renaissance to present-day. We meet every Thursday at 20.00 for rehearsal, and we sing at most 10.30 and 19.00 services. Anyone with an interest in singing please contact Mark Charles. Upcoming highlights are the annual carol service at Geneva Cathedral on Christmas Eve, as well as public concerts within the church. We have an extensive library of the best of English and European composers, and our monthly diet includes Choral Evensongs and Masses.

We also have an active junior choir and gospel choir and offer choral scholarships

Groups, Courses and Activities

Holy Trinity Church Geneva welcomes people of all ages from the youngest to the oldest, and we believe that everyone has an honoured and safe place within our community. We seek to provide a range of different ways for our younger members to learn about, practice and celebrate the Christian faith, and to find appropriate ways of support for it.
Sunday activities for all ages

There is a group for all ages from 3 upwards and babies and toddles are welcome
Junior Church for those aged 3 – 10 years
Focus Group for our pre-teens aged 11 – 14 years
Youth Group for teenagers 14 – 17 years
Young Adults programme for over 18s

We recognize the importance of our ministry and work with children and young people and our responsibility to protect everyone entrusted to our care. This place of worship is committed to the safety of all and to ensuring their well-being.

Our small Bible study groups meet at the church as well as in homes.
Lectio Divina - Wednesdays from 12h30 to 13h15 in the Church. This is a meditative practice. With the help of a short Bible study passage read aloud three or four times, this is a chance to allow a word or phrase from the passage to speak to you and to listen for what God may be saying to you in the moment.

We have regular coffee and croissants after the 9am service, coffee after the 10.30 service and an apero once a month after the evening service

We have a number of community events including fairs, talks, quizzes during the year - check out our website for the latest list (https://holytrinitygeneva.org/)

We have a care and concern group that support charities locally and further afield. We also cook and serve lunch for 200 plus at the local soup kitchen once per month

Youth Group (for teenagers 14 – 17 years old)
Meets twice a month at noon on Sundays for a meal and study at alternate churches.
Social outings and ski weekends are also organised from time to time.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

We’re often open for quiet thought and reflection. Please feel free to push the door and see!

Other Features

Both our Hall and the Church itself are available for hire (subject to availability and type of event). Please see our website ( https://holytrinitygeneva.org/) and/or contact the church office for rates and more info