About Us

We have a long tradition of ministry to English speaking people in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland, and beyond. We also provide a home for Christians from many different denominations and cultural backgrounds. We are one of the chaplancies of the Swiss archdeaconry of the Anglican Diocese in Europe.

St Ursula's is a strongly ecumenical church, and this is reflected in its membership.

Worship is, of course,  important. Around 60 people come to our main service at 10.00 on Sunday mornings. This service is normally a Eucharist. On the second Sunday of each month, our service is usually an All-Age Eucharist. And on the fourht Sunday, a Sung Eucharist. For our younger members we offer Junior Church and creche during all services, except for the All Age ones.

Outreach, prayer, housegoups and pastoral care form other important parts of our ministry. But  we also have fun together at fêtes, sales, quizzes  and, of course, the annual Christmas Bazaar. We also support the work of Christ in the world through our charity and mission team. 

We also meet at the Chapelle Romande in Frutigenstrasse, Thun on the first Tuesday of each month.