28th March, St George, Malaga, 7pm, Eucharist for Maundy Thursday and Stripping of the Altar

for 1 hour
St George´s Church, Malaga
St George´s Church, Malaga, English Cemetery Avenida de Pries 1 MALAGA, 29016

In our Holy Week services, we are no longer spectators but participants. Tonight, we sit with the disciples eating and drinking at a solemn and haunting meal with Jesus in the Upper Room. As Jesus invites us to share in bread and wine, he says those mysterious words that have become central to our celebration of the Holy Eucharist: ‘this is my body, this is my blood’. And soon afterwards, that trusted disciple, Judas, makes a hasty exit.

At the end of the Eucharist, the altar is stripped. Why? The altar represents Christ, and the stripping of the altar reminds us how he was stripped of his garments and was exposed naked to the insults of his persecutors.

After supper we go to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. Or in our case, at the end of our Eucharist, we go to the cemetery garden to watch and pray. Jesus didn’t sleep that night, and his disciples slept only fitfully. In fact he didn’t hesitate to rouse them….as if perhaps he wanted companionship during those late night hours. So let us give him ours.

And then, suddenly, Judas returns, the disciple now turned betrayer, and we share the shock and fear of the disciples as he is accompanied by armed soldiers, and Jesus is arrested. And so Maundy Thursday ends ... in chaos.

The preacher at this service, and others at St George's for Holy Week, is Brother MIchael Jacob SSF

Vélez-Málaga Anglican Congregation


We are part of the chaplaincy of St George´s Málaga and serve the town of Vélez-Málaga and surrounding areas. If you are living in or around Velez-Malaga, visiting on holiday or a part-time resident, you will find a warm welcome here. 

We meet in Málaga, Salinas and Vélez-Málaga: three churches within one Chaplaincy. Click here for the Chaplaincy website and details of the other congregations. 

Get in touch

The Revd Louis Darrant

Anglican Church of St George
Avenida de Pries 1
29016 Málaga

+34 630 909 131

Our website

What's on

28th March, St George, Malaga, 7pm, Eucharist for Maundy Thursday and Stripping of the Altar

for 1 hour
St George´s Church, Malaga
St George´s Church, Malaga, English Cemetery Avenida de Pries 1 MALAGA, 29016

In our Holy Week services, we are no longer spectators but participants. Tonight, we sit with the disciples eating and drinking at a solemn and haunting meal with Jesus in the Upper Room. As Jesus invites us to share in bread and wine, he says those mysterious words that have become central to our celebration of the Holy Eucharist: ‘this is my body, this is my blood’. And soon afterwards, that trusted disciple, Judas, makes a hasty exit.

At the end of the Eucharist, the altar is stripped. Why? The altar represents Christ, and the stripping of the altar reminds us how he was stripped of his garments and was exposed naked to the insults of his persecutors.

After supper we go to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. Or in our case, at the end of our Eucharist, we go to the cemetery garden to watch and pray. Jesus didn’t sleep that night, and his disciples slept only fitfully. In fact he didn’t hesitate to rouse them….as if perhaps he wanted companionship during those late night hours. So let us give him ours.

And then, suddenly, Judas returns, the disciple now turned betrayer, and we share the shock and fear of the disciples as he is accompanied by armed soldiers, and Jesus is arrested. And so Maundy Thursday ends ... in chaos.

The preacher at this service, and others at St George's for Holy Week, is Brother MIchael Jacob SSF


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Norma McIntyre, +34 619 269 462, [email protected]

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