St George's Church, Malaga


St George's is an Anglican Church and we serve the city of Malaga and surrounding areas. If you are living in Malaga, visiting on holiday or a part-time resident, you will find a warm welcome here. 

Our congregation is part of the wider Malaga Chaplaincy. We meet in Malaga, Salinas and Velez-Malaga: three churches within one Chaplaincy. Click here for details of the other congregations. 

Our mission - sharing God´s love through worship, hospitality & service.

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Get in touch

The Revd Louis Darrant

St George's Anglican Church
Avenida de Pries 1

Chaplain's Apartment
+34 630 909 131

Our website

What's on

7th July 11am, Eucharist for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity

for 1 hour
St George's Church, Malaga
Avenida de Pries 1 Malaga, 29016, Spain

The readings at this time of year cover Jesus' miracles and teaching. This is where we meet the Jesus of the every day, the Jesus of farmers and fisherman, who told stories of lost sheep, a man beaten up by the roadside, a ponsy landowner, fishers of men, treasure buried in a field, seed sown by the wayside, or, as in today's gospel, where he calls his disciples and sends them out in pairs to preach his gospel amd anoint the sick – an every day world that became a canvas for the Holy Spirit. Here was God, not in far off Jerusalem, but walking every day through the fields, and along the shores, of Galilee.

In our Eucharist today we give thanks for all who are sent out by Christ to serve his people as ministers and missionaries. Particularly we remember Fr Louis as he give thanks for 20 years of priestly ministry and prays for the years to come.

Cake and cava will be served after the service.

The picture above, of Christ with his disciples, is by Russian artist, A.N. Mironov, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

St Benedict lived in Italy in the 5th century and had an enormous impact on the church

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