Facilities and features


We have a gents, ladies and an accessible / gender neutral toilet

Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet

Our main door has flat access

Hearing (induction) Loop
Assistance Dogs

Our Building

We are currently building an eco-built community hall

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music
Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group

A number of groups meet through the week to study the bible and build our understanding of God, our faith and how that effects our everyday lives

We run a community money advice centre where we work with clients with debt and advise with other money issues

We run a Community Money program and see supporting our community as key part of what we do

We have a thriving senior citizens group

Many in our congregation have volunteer roles in the community and a number of the community work with us as volunteers on our Eco-Build hall

We are engaging with youth in our community to see how we can best work with and support them and welcome contacts to build on what we already do.

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

Other Features

We aim to buy fair trade whenever possible

We have a small community larder for emergency use and support local groups and foodbanks that provide emergency food support

We use a projector displaying the services and songs, although printed (including large print) are available from the welcome team

Urban Priority Area
ACTS 435