Saturday 9th Novmeber, 11:30am Holy Eucharist for 3rd weekend before Advent

for 1 hour
Salinas Anglican Congregation
Church of the Sagrado Corazón de Maria, Estacion de Salinas, Archidona, Málaga Province, 29315, Spain

So our minds turn to Advent, the period of waiting for the coming Christ, which precedes Christmas. Today is the third weekend before Advent and our focus is on the reason why Jesus came.

In this morning's gospel, from the beginning of St Mark, Jesus gives us his manifesto, what he is basically all about. And there are three things: firstly “The time has come”; secondly “The kingdom of God has come near”; and thirdly “Repent and believe the good news!” It is a very stark claim, in black and white, and it throws Jesus into perfect focus.

But it lands badly with his audience. And perhaps it doesn´t land too well with us either. Do we prefer a God who is a bit more ambiguous, a bit less prcise, a bit more fluffy, perhaps? Is Jesus claiming too much? Is he demanding too much?

And as he calls his first disciples, a group of fishermen, do they know what they are getting into?

Come and join us, as we start our run up to Christmas!

Salinas Anglican Congregation


'Salinas', 'salty' in Spanish, reminds us of the moment when Jesus gave his disciples their mission:

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5).

Our congregation is part of the Málaga Chaplaincy. We meet in Málaga, Salinas and Vélez-Málaga: three churches within one Chaplaincy. Click here for the Chaplaincy website and details of the other congregations.

For more information about the Salinas Anglican Congregation, visit our website:

Get in touch

The Revd Doreen Cage

Local Priest
+34 711 013 169
Father Hilary Oakley, Assistant Priest
+34 744 471 207

Our website

What's on

Saturday 9th Novmeber, 11:30am Holy Eucharist for 3rd weekend before Advent

for 1 hour
Salinas Anglican Congregation
Church of the Sagrado Corazón de Maria, Estacion de Salinas, Archidona, Málaga Province, 29315, Spain

So our minds turn to Advent, the period of waiting for the coming Christ, which precedes Christmas. Today is the third weekend before Advent and our focus is on the reason why Jesus came.

In this morning's gospel, from the beginning of St Mark, Jesus gives us his manifesto, what he is basically all about. And there are three things: firstly “The time has come”; secondly “The kingdom of God has come near”; and thirdly “Repent and believe the good news!” It is a very stark claim, in black and white, and it throws Jesus into perfect focus.

But it lands badly with his audience. And perhaps it doesn´t land too well with us either. Do we prefer a God who is a bit more ambiguous, a bit less prcise, a bit more fluffy, perhaps? Is Jesus claiming too much? Is he demanding too much?

And as he calls his first disciples, a group of fishermen, do they know what they are getting into?

Come and join us, as we start our run up to Christmas!


If you have concerns about your own wellbeing or that of others, in church or at any Chaplaincy event, please contact our Safeguarding Officer:

Norma McIntyre, +34 619 269 462, [email protected]

Click here for a copy of our Safeguarding policy