23rd March, Salinas Church 1130am, Eucharist for Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
Salinas Anglican Congregation
Church of the Sagrado Corazón de Maria, Estacion de Salinas, Archidona, Málaga Province, 29315, Spain

The Holy Week services, from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, are quite unlike anything else in the church’s calendar. For once we are not spectators: instead we are here to take our part in the events around us. We are the people of Israel, waving our branches of palm and shouting Hosanna to the Son of David. We are the disciples, eating and drinking at that solemn and mysterious last supper in the Upper Room. With St Mary and St John, we watch in shock and despair at the death of Jesus on the Cross. And, with Mary Magdalene, we see an open tomb and, singing Alleluia, we run to tell our friends the glorious news of Christ's resurrection.

The week begins with Palm Sunday. We process through the church to symbolise our Lord's entry into Jerusalem. Together with the people of Israel, we have followed Jesus and been amazed as he has performed his miracles and pulled the crowds. And as he dramatically enters Jerusalem, on a donkey, we bathe in the sunlight of the superstar and wave our palm branches to welcome him.

But the people who will crucify Jesus on Good Friday are the same people who honour him today. They don't crucify an unknown or a stranger. They crucify a man who has extended to them a love, a dignity and a majesty. Today they shout, ‘Hosanna to the king’, and on Friday they will shout, ‘we have no king but Caesar’.

Why? Because we human beings are fickle, we change our minds, we are swayed by others - because we are made up of a mixture of different people and different feelings. And because of that thing inside us which makes it so difficult to receive unrestrained, unlimited, boundless and undemanding love.

Our choral service will include the St John Passion, set to music by Spain's great Renaissance composer, Tomas Luis de Victoria, and sung by members of the Choir La Vid y La Vida.

Salinas Anglican Congregation


'Salinas', 'salty' in Spanish, reminds us of the moment when Jesus gave his disciples their mission:

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5).

Our congregation is part of the Málaga Chaplaincy. We meet in Málaga, Salinas and Vélez-Málaga: three churches within one Chaplaincy. Click here for the Chaplaincy website and details of the other congregations.

For more information about the Salinas Anglican Congregation, visit our website: http://www.salinaschurch.es

Get in touch

The Revd Doreen Cage

Local Priest
+34 711 013 169
Father Hilary Oakley, Assistant Priest
+34 744 471 207

Our website

What's on

23rd March, Salinas Church 1130am, Eucharist for Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
Salinas Anglican Congregation
Church of the Sagrado Corazón de Maria, Estacion de Salinas, Archidona, Málaga Province, 29315, Spain

The Holy Week services, from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, are quite unlike anything else in the church’s calendar. For once we are not spectators: instead we are here to take our part in the events around us. We are the people of Israel, waving our branches of palm and shouting Hosanna to the Son of David. We are the disciples, eating and drinking at that solemn and mysterious last supper in the Upper Room. With St Mary and St John, we watch in shock and despair at the death of Jesus on the Cross. And, with Mary Magdalene, we see an open tomb and, singing Alleluia, we run to tell our friends the glorious news of Christ's resurrection.

The week begins with Palm Sunday. We process through the church to symbolise our Lord's entry into Jerusalem. Together with the people of Israel, we have followed Jesus and been amazed as he has performed his miracles and pulled the crowds. And as he dramatically enters Jerusalem, on a donkey, we bathe in the sunlight of the superstar and wave our palm branches to welcome him.

But the people who will crucify Jesus on Good Friday are the same people who honour him today. They don't crucify an unknown or a stranger. They crucify a man who has extended to them a love, a dignity and a majesty. Today they shout, ‘Hosanna to the king’, and on Friday they will shout, ‘we have no king but Caesar’.

Why? Because we human beings are fickle, we change our minds, we are swayed by others - because we are made up of a mixture of different people and different feelings. And because of that thing inside us which makes it so difficult to receive unrestrained, unlimited, boundless and undemanding love.

Our choral service will include the St John Passion, set to music by Spain's great Renaissance composer, Tomas Luis de Victoria, and sung by members of the Choir La Vid y La Vida.


If you have concerns about your own wellbeing or that of others, in church or at any Chaplaincy event, please contact our Safeguarding Officer:

Norma McIntyre, +34 619 269 462, [email protected]

Click here for a copy of our Safeguarding policy