Ash Wednesday 5th March, Salinas Church, 3pm, Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. Details to followAsh Wednesday 5th March, St George's Church, 7pm, Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. Details to followSaturday 8th March, Salinas Church, 11:30am Holy Eucharist for the first weekend in Lent. Details to followSunday 9th March, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist for the first Sunday in Lent. Details to followSunday 16th March, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist for the second Sunday in Lent. Details to followSaturday 22nd March, Salinas Church, 11:30am Holy Eucharist for Oscar Romero's feast day. Details to followSunday 23rd March, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist for the third Sunday in Lent. Details to followSunday 30th March, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist for Mothering Sunday. Details to followPassion Sunday 6th April, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist. Details to followSaturday 12th April, Salinas Church, 11:30am Holy Eucharist for Palm Saturday. Details to followPalm Sunday 13th April, St George's Church, 11:30am, Holy Eucharist. Details to followMaundy Thursday 17th April, St George's Church, 7pm, Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar. Details to followGood Friday 18th April, St George's Church, 12 noon, Stations of the Cross. Details to followGood Friday 18th April, Salinas Church, 12 noon, Stations of the Cross. Details to followEaster Eve, Saturday 19th April, Salinas Church, 11:30am Easter Eucharist with baptism. Details to followEaster Sunday 20th April, St George's Church, 11:30am Eucharist of the Resurrection. Details to followClick here to hear the Choir from St Martin's-in-the-Fields in London sing Lenten hymn, My Song is Love Unknown Picture above from the Passion at Villanueva de Tapia, 2023
Location: St George’s Church, English CemeteryThe concert starts at 8pm. Refreshments available from 7.30pm.Tickets €17.50. Book your ticket here.
La Vid y La Vida (The Vine and the Life) is our small, friendly choir of four women and four men. If you like singing, why not come and join us. We practise once a week and sing in public once a month. Whether you are an experienced singer or a beginner, you will be warmly welcome. Message Music Director, John Sharrock Taylor, here for more information.