We have a weekly service every Wednesday evening at 18:00

WEDNESDAY @ 18:00 is a simple, communal service of Holy Communion.  On the first Wednesday of each month the service is one of Prayer for Wholeness and Healing; a gentle service with opportunity to bring our own needs and the needs of others before God.

MORNING PRAYER is said in church at 09:30 and EVENING PRAYER at 18:00 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Often on Mondays and Fridays as well, but the clergy are not always certain of being available.

All are welcome to come and join in these times of prayer and reading of Scripture.


We all know that regularly praying and reading the Scriptures is a good thing, but many of us don't quite know where to start.

Attached is a simple form of Daily Prayer which can be used at any time of day and on any day of the week.  Taken from the Church of England's 'Prayer During the Day' (with minor local amendments) it has everything you need, including some suggested patterns of Bible readings.  It aims to be simple to use and accessible to anyone even if you are not familiar with, or used to a regular pattern of Morning and Evening Prayer.  It can be used 'as is' with the suggested daily cycle of readings and it will take just 10-15 minutes.  Or you can use a fuller lectionary or pattern of readings of your choice and spend more time in reflection and prayer where suggested.

However you use this resource it is our prayer and hope that it will enable you draw closer to God help establish good habits of prayer and reading the Scriptures.

Prayer During the Day - Lent, PDF
