Children, Families and Young People

Children, families and young people are welcome at St Bart's!

If you are a parent of young children, may we suggest....Relax!  God put the wriggle in children and there is no need to suppress it in God's house.  All are welcome!  Sit somewhere where your little ones can see and hear what's going on at the front and the altar.  Bring them forward to be blessed at Communion.  Quietly explain the parts of the service, point out the colours and what the Priest and others are doing  (if you are not sure yourself, don't be afraid ask).

Babies & toddlers play space

There is a space in the North pews where families with babies and toddlers can sit and the children play safely.  If you do need a short 'time out' you can use the hall (there is an audio feed of the service), but don't feel you have to stay away for long.

Children's Group - 2nd Sunday of each month

NEW from April 2024  On the second Sunday of each month there is a group for Primary aged children during part of the 10:00 service, with age-appropriate activities, learning and fun.

All-age service - 4th  Sunday of each month

The Parish Eucharist on the fourth Sunday of each month is 'all age' with the prayers, sermon and other parts of the service chosen to be more easily accessible for all ages from 8days to 88 years!

Take part - have a go!

We welcome young people who have been Baptised to participate in leading worship as their confidence and ability allows.  Speak to the clergy if you would like to 'have a go'!  And for those who like singing we have a young singers group who help lead the music some weeks.

Admission to Holy Communion, and Confirmation

We admit children and young people to receive Holy Communion at the request of their families, following a short course of preparation, each Easter.  Children should have attended worship at St Bart's, together with their families, regularly for at least a year and join in the preparation course, again with their parents.  Parents are the biggest influence on a child's spiritual development, so they have an important role to play!  Admittance to Communion is NOT the same as Confirmation.  Confirmation is offered to adults and older young people wanting to publicly express their Christian commitment and take further their walk as a disciple of Jesus.  Speak to Rev'd Jim if you would like to know more about Admittance to Communion or Confirmation.


All our leaders and everyone working with children and young people at St Bartholomew's, including volunteers, do so within our Safeguarding Policy and all have a current DBS check.


We would like to offer more for children, families and young people at St Bartholomew's, on Sundays and other times.  We welcome suggestions and ideas.  However, for more to be possible also requires more volunteers.  You do not need to be a skilled youth-worker or experienced teacher, just willing to offer a bit of time and energy.  If you can offer to get involved, please speak to the Church Wardens or Rev'd Jim.

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