2023ChristmasAll.pdf Download
Church_news christmas

St Bart's is a busy place at the moment with choirs, pantomimes, brass bands, snowmen and orchestra's!

But of course at the heart of everything is our Christmas services.

Whether you love singing carols, enjoy the story of Jesus’ birth, like mulled wine, enjoy the candle-lit atmosphere, or are looking for a glimpse of “the light that shines in the darkness” you are are warmly invited to celebrate Christmas here, at your Parish Church.

If you are a regular church-goer, haven't been for years pr just like to come at Christmas, you are welcome.

Service details (as well as any additions or changes) can be found below, at the 'Services and events' tab, on the attached downloadable flyer, or on our Facebook page.

Sunday 3rd December    @ 10:00    Christingle
Sunday 3rd December    @ 18:00    Holy Communion and Prayer for Wholeness & Healing

Sunday 17th December    @17:30    Carol Service  followed by mulled wine & mince pies

Christmas Eve    @ 16:00    Crib Service   come dressed as an angel, shepherd or wise one!

Christmas Night (24th)    @ 23:30    Midnight Mass  candle-lit first Communion of Christmas

Christmas Day    @ 10:00    Christmas Communion  a shorter celebration Communion for all ages