Our full program of services and events for this Advent and Christmas is now available.Head to the 'Advent & Christmas 2024' page. A flyer with full details is available to view or download. Printed copies are available from the church.
That thing with a candle stuck in an orange!A great way to start the season of Advent.All ages are welcome to join us for this fun and beautiful service.A collection will be taken during the service to support the work of The Children's Society)
A first look at our services and events for Advent and Christmas. There will be more to come including concerts etc. as soon as we have full details. See the 'Services and Events' page for more details about each occasion.23rd November (Saturday), 13:00 - Christmas Fayre1st December (Sunday), 10:00 - Christingle17th December (Tuesday), 18:30 - Carol Singing @ The Greyhound pub22nd December (Sunday), 18:00 - Carol Service24th December (Christmas Eve), 16:00 - Crib Service24th December (Christmas Night), 23:30 - Midnight Mass25th December (Christmas Day), 10:00 - Christmas Celebration Communion
Our Christmas Fayre will be on Saturday 23rd November from 13:00 to 16:00, with crafts, gifts, tombola, raffle, cakes, refreshments and of course, Santa!Local crafters, makers and hobbbyists - stalls are available to hire. Call Lesely on 07785 905355 to book.For full details see attached flyer.