Sunday 26th May - Chaplaincy AGM
- Occurring
- for 3 hours
- Venue
- Christ Church in la Manche, Normandy
- Address 5-7 rue du Moulin de Vesque Gratot, 50200, France
Sunday 26th May - The Chaplaincy AGM.
Please make a note in your diaries for the date at Gratot after the morning Eucharist.
Only those on the electoral roll will be eligible to vote.
We will be voting in (we pray) a new church warden to replace Peter Williams who, after several years has decided it is time to hand over the rod of office to someone younger!!!
Also a second Synod Rep and one space on the Chaplaincy Council.
Attached is the Notice and Agenda for the AGM and a copy of the electoral roll of those eligible to vote.
This will be followed by lunch with the Lay minister so please bring your picnic lunches and sun loungers with you. I have spoken to the big boss upstairs and requested sunshine for the day.
Lunch will be followed by the first meeting of the new Chaplaincy Church Council.