We need to talk about money!

The Way Forward?                  Adrian Grainge is leading our thinking as a Chaplaincy

It is important to look at possible ways we can, with God’s help, get the Chaplaincy on to a sounder spiritual and financial footing.

With this in mind a three-branch approach could be a good way to start


This could take the form of an annual ‘Stewardship Campaign’ (possibly in the autumn) with a month-long programme of preaching and teaching on personal commitment to God in how we use all the wonderful gifts He has given us, including our time, abilities, possessions and money.

During this time, we could provide information on the different ways to give on a regular basis as well as setting up card readers at both churches.

At the end of the month, we could then have a ‘Gift Day’ when we ask people to review their regular giving and also consider and a ‘One-Off Donation’.


We all need to deepen or love and commitment to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To encourage the members of the Chaplaincy and support them in their walk with Jesus a coordinated approach could help to achieve this. If this were to including our Preaching, Teaching, Bible Studies and any other events this could be helpful in deepening our knowledge and Love of God and His word. For example, a short Bible reading as well as prayer at the beginning of all our meetings could help to put God at the front and centre of all we do.


If our Chaplaincy is to grow, we need to ensure that people living within travelling distance of our services know of our existence as well as the times of our services. This is of course especially true of Avranches but may also bring benefit to Gratot. We do have this information on the ‘A Church Near You’ web site but we need to be more proactive in finding ways to get this information out into the community without contravening the laws against publicity. Every event of any kind we organise should be seen as an opportunity for outreach.

None of this will of course be of any effect without a united commitment and support of all those involved and especially a great deal of Prayer to ensure we are moving with God in the way He wants us to go.

AG 14/06/2024

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for calling us to be a Church under the banner of your Name:
may we look to you today and find clear vision for tomorrow.
May our life together bring you glory, as you make of us a living invitation
to enter the joy of your Kingdom. Amen.