Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday

This Sunday (​23rd March) is the ​Third Sunday In Lent

God's word for today

Isaiah 55, vv1-9​ - Recognise your thirst for God

Psalm 63 pt

1 Corinthians 10, vv1-13 - Do not take your spiritual status for granted

Luke 13, vv1-9​ - God expects us to bear spiritual fruit

Services this Sunday:

Hommeel Church Gratot: 11h00 Holy Eucharist, followed by 'Picnic with the Parson' (please note date change) and Gratot Committee
Avranches: 16h00 Service of Word: Evening Prayer

Please download and bring the hymns and readings for the service you will attend: see below.

Reminder: a plate is available at the back of church each week to receive your gifts for our chosen charities.

Gratot hymns and readings 23 March 25, PDF


Evening Prayer 20-03-25, DOCX
