Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday

This Sunday (21st July) is the EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

Sunday Scriptures - God speaks to us through His Word

Jeremiah 23, vv1-6: God's judgement on false shepherds

Psalm 23: The Lord is our shepherd

Ephesians 2, vv11-22: We were separated from God until Christ's blood was shed for us.

Mark 6, vv30-34, 53-56: People recognise Jesus by His word and by His wonders

Services today:

Hommeel Church Gratot: 11h00 Service of Word: Morning Prayer

Avranches: 16h00: Holy Eucharist

- Please download the hymn/service sheet (at the bottom of this page) and bring it to the service-

Reminder: a plate is available at the back of church each week to receive your gifts for our chosen charities.

MPGratot Service Sht T8 21July24B, DOCX


2024 07 21 Avranches hymn sheet, DOCX
