Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday

This Sunday (1st Dec) is ADVENT SUNDAY - we begin the 'Year of Luke'

Sunday Scriptures - God speaks to us through His Word

Jeremiah 33, vv14-16 - The time is coming when God will keep His promises!

Psalm 25, vv1-10 Resp: The Lord is our defender!

1 Thessalonians 3, vv9 - 13 - Lead blameless & holy lives while waiting for Christ 

Luke 21, vv25-36 - The Son of Man will come in clouds with great glory

Services today

Hommeel Church Gratot: 11h00 Service of Word: Morning Prayer

- the Christmas Fair continues from 14h00 - 17h00

Avranches: 16h00 Holy Eucharist

- Please download the hymn/service sheet (at the bottom of this page) and bring it to the service-

Reminder: a plate is available at the back of church each week to receive your gifts for our chosen charities.

Morning prayer for Advent Sunday 1st December 2024, DOCX


Avranches Advent 1 hymns and readings, PDF
