Our Anglican Christian Identity

Christ Church in the Manche is a Chaplaincy of the Church of England Diocese in Europe, part of the Anglican Communion

Our Anglican Christian Identity

In history and theology (from the Revised Catechism of the Church of England)

'The Church of England is the ancient Church of (that) land, catholic and reformed. It proclaims and holds fast the doctrine and ministry of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church'.

The Church of England is part of The Anglican Communion: 'a family of Churches within the universal Church of Christ, maintaining apostolic doctrine and order and in full communion with one another and with the Sees of Canterbury and York.'  (A fuller summary of Anglican beliefs can be found in the Revised Catechism: see the link below.)

In church government and authority                                                                                                  

The Chaplaincy of Christ Church in la Manche is under the authority of the Bishop of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. Those who minister here do so under his authority, and subject to the requirements of the Canons of the Church of England. The authority of the Bishop is exercised by the Licenced Chaplain and the duly admitted Churchwardens.

In the laws of the French Republic                                                                                                                   

Christ Church is registered as Eglise Anglicane de la Manche with Prefecture de la Manche as an Association Cultuelle under the terms of the 'Loi 1905' (as amended in 2022)

Like all Chaplaincies in France, our constitution states:  The purpose of the Association is the public exercise of the Anglican Church and to uphold this in accordance with the canon law of the Church of England and such other orders, measures or directions as may subsequently be adopted by the relevant authority of the Church of England.

In addition to worship and teaching it provides for The proclamation of the Gospel and all activities of a pastoral nature permitted by law and by this Constitution.

In the local congregation, serving Christ Together                                                                                                            

The Anglican tradition of Christianity celebrates a varied spiritual heritage drawn from the experience of serving Christ and His Kingdom in many different settings and cultures. We make no exclusive claims for our particular understanding of the Gospel, but we believe that being an Anglican Christian offers a good and fulfilling way to respond faithfully to Christ's call. We enjoy exploring our living tradition and sharing it with others.

Our Chaplaincy warmly welcomes baptised Christians from many traditions who share our faith in the Holy Trinity, and invites them to participate in our life and make a spiritual home with us as fully as conscience and personal conviction allows. It is not necessary to join the Church of England in order to belong  to our congregation, and to play a full part in the life of the Body of Christ here.

Please speak to one of the ministers or church officers if you have any questions, or would like to find out more about any aspect of our church life.

Revised_Catechism, PDF
