F R I D A Y   F O C U S

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For services this Sunday see the page Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday


The week ahead Tue: 19h45 - 21h15 Something More online Housegroup on Zoom. See below! Zoom link:

Thu: Saint of the Week - James the Great, Apostle

Today we honour Saint James the Apostle, usually described in the Gospels as “the brother of John” but also known as James “the Greater” in order to distinguish him from two other New Testament figures of the same name. He was a Galilean fisher-man, and with his brother John he left his home and his trade in obedience to the call of Jesus. With Peter and John he belonged to an especially privileged group of disciples whom Jesus chose to be witnesses of the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus’s daughter, and the agony in the garden of Gethsemane. James shared his brother’s hot-headed disposition, and Jesus
nicknamed the two of them “Boanerges,” or “sons of thunder.” They once expressed a willingness to share the cup of Christ’s sufferings, and in the case of James this was realized very soon after the resurrection. According to the Book of Acts, King Herod launched a persecution of the Church and had James beheaded, thus making him the first of the twelve apostles to suffer death for the sake of Christ.

To ponder: God doesn't only call perfect people to His Service!

To pray: For grace to follow Christ despite every risk and challenge.

Next Sunday (28th July) is the NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

Hommeel Church Gratot: CHURCH DAY!

11h00 Holy Eucharist followed by 'Picnic with the Parson', leading to Gratot Church Committee (open to all)

Avranches: 16h00 SONGS OF PRAISE (see below)

Other notices:

CHAPLAINCY COUNCIL REPORT: The CC on Monday co-opted Fr Chris pending his formal appointment, and he chaired the meeting. We reflected on our meeting with the Archdeacon and the change of direction that resulted from this. Fr Chris talked about his approach to the new role, and hinted at changes in how things would be done! There was deep discussion of the detailed financial situation, which will be especially tight over the next year. This autumn we will have a Stewardship Campaign, encouraging more consistent giving and including a Gift Day - this event is likely to focus on the Salle repair shortfall. We talked about a slight glitch in forming the promised Pastoral Team, and renewed our encouragement for 'spreading our net' through running 'pop-up services' across our territory - this issue goes back to the Ministry Team with a view to action next spring. We are currently refreshing our contact information on the internet, and chasing down now misleading information left over from previous efforts - including one site which registers us as a congregation of the Episcopal Church of the USA! The next meeting will be on 14th October.

IN YOUR PRAYERS... Michaela and Peter have both received the healing sacraments this week: we praise God for progress, and continue to pray for their complete healing in His good time. We continue to pray for Ayden, new-born grandchild of Caen Warden Marian Clarke, as he faces surgery in Caen next Tuesday.

TUESDAY BIBLE STUDIES: A lively Bible Study meeting on the Book of Acts was made livelier by Michaela joining us from hospital! There was plenty of discussion, and we managed to finish the planned section, which must be a record....

FREEDOM IN CHRIST - Songs of Praise at Avranches: The 28th July is the beginning of the week when Avranches celebrates its liberation, so we plan a Songs of Praise with a focus on Freedom in Christ. Please send Helen your favourite hymn, along with the reason for choosing it, by Tuesday the 23rd July.

DAILY DEVOTION: The Ministry Team are keen to encourage church members to find ways to incorporate the Bible in their daily reflection and prayer...... Latest recommendations include the 'Explore' app from the Good Book Company which comes with a short reading and a commentary and costs £ 2.99 a month, and The Bible in one year which can be found on - The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel which includes three reading a day, one from Psalms / Proverbs, one from the new testament and one from the old testament along with commentary on each passage. It is free and comes as an email every day.

SOMETHING MORE HOUSEGROUP: We plan to talk about 'religious experience': according to one survey, 42% of the population say they have had a 'religious experience' - maybe you are one of them? What does this term mean - where do these experiences come from? Are they a good thing - should we look for them or just accept them if they come? Are we 'second class Christians' if we haven't had one? Be prepared for surprising conclusions!

Our Chaplaincy Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, 

thank you for calling us to be a Church under the banner of your Name: 

may we look to you today and find clear vision for tomorrow.                                                       

May our life together bring you glory,                                                                                                         

as you make of us a living invitation to enter the joy of your Kingdom. Amen

Love in Christ,

Fr Chris

and the Leadership Team

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