F R I D A Y F O C U S Get Friday Focus in your in-box each week! - use the contact form to ask Fr Chris to put you on the mailing list.________________________For services this Sunday see the page Worship in our Chaplaincy this Sunday_____________________________________________________________________________The week ahead.....Tue: 19h45 'Celebrating Nicaea' Diocesan Lent Course on Zoom: Session 3, led by Mary Jackson. The handouts and preparatory material were sent with Friday Focus at the start of Lent, and can also be downloaded from our Chaplaincy website.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84358481987?pwd=3FoEJbKLta9MQ4fGmhP0iF8f99S9Wf.1Fri: 10h00 onwards: cleaning and decorating at Salle - all hands needed, there will be a job for everybody! Next Sunday (30th March) is the Fourth Sunday In Lent ('Mothering Sunday') Hommeel Church Gratot: 11h00 Holy Communion (by extension)Avranches: 16h00 Service of Word: Evening Prayer Other notices:HYMN TUNES AT GRATOT: There are a couple of less familiar tunes in our service this Sunday: you might like to listen to them at home.The first hymn goes to this (French!) tune with a very distinctive rhythm. Here it is on piano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcF_CnUgLeQ And here it is sung fairly slowly by a (big!) congregation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPXL_P7XVl0The other unexpected tune is actually familiar as the carol 'Infant holy, infant lowly' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwWXOrqxT00CHAPLAINCY ELECTORAL ROLL: We remind readers of the Electoral Roll renewal process now under way: forms are due back by THIS SUNDAY 23rd March. Please note: forms can be found/downloaded from our Chaplaincy website. You can return forms via any church officer or minister.GRATOT BANQUE ALIMENTAIRE: "Dear Friends, As usual we will deliver Easter chocolate bunnies and others to the Banque alimentaire in Gratot. Could you be generous as always and bring your chocolate presents in time for Easter, i.e at the latest Sunday 6th April. Thank you. Wendy and Agnès "Our Chaplaincy PrayerLord Jesus Christ, thank you for calling us to be a Church under the banner of your Name: may we look to you today and find clear vision for tomorrow. May our life together bring you glory, as you make of us a living invitation to enter the joy of your Kingdom. AmenLove in Christ, Fr Chris To reply or unsubscribe, please email: frchris.christchurchmanche@gmail.comPLEASE keep us informed of changed email addresses! Thank you.