Related Churches
Anglican congregation in Hesdin
A very warm welcome to Hesdin Church
Christ Church Brittany, Ploërmel
Christ Church Brittany, 14 Rue Général Dubreton 56800 Ploërmel
Our main worship is at 11am each Sunday.
We have regular worship and social activities in Ploermel, Redon, Rostrenen and Huelgoat. We are used to giving a warm welcome to visitors and hope to see you soon.
Christ Church is located in a chapel building which stands on the corner of Rue Général Dubreton and Avenue de Guiborg. The building is a few minutes walk from the centre of Ploërmel on the road towards Vannes (N166). Parking is available on the main road running past the chapel or in the car park in the Place de Mairie, which is just a couple of minutes walk away.
Our library is open Friday and Sunday mornings
La Source Community Choir meets Friday mornings, Social events take place regularly
Our services and activities are now and always have been open to folks of any race, age, gender, nationality, political views or sexual orientation. This radical welcome is part of our core belief as Christians and is fully in line with Church of England policy. All people are welcome but we do not approve all lifestyles as consistent with Christian values.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” Matthew 25:35-36
Christ Church Brittany - Rostrenen
Our Rostrenen location is part of Christ Church Brittany.
We worship in the School Chapel usually of the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:30am for formal Anglican worship. Every service is followed by coffee and fellowship. In the colder months we move to worship at the Salle Paroissiale, 4 Rue Joseph Pennec, 22110 Rostrenen.
1st and 3rd Sundays we meet together on zoom for worship at 10am with our sister church in Huelgoat. There is a link on the website if you wish to access zoom services.
St Mark's Versailles
St Mark's Versailles is an English speaking Anglican Church in Versailles. The Sunday service is at 10:30 with an additional BCP service at 9am on the first Sunday of each month. For more information, including details about safeguarding, see our website
Redon, Brittany part of Christ Church Brittany
The Redon congregation meet twice a month at 10.30 for services in English.
The congregation is made up of families with teenagers and a number of retired members of various nationalities.
Services are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, and we are temporarily holding our services in the Chapel at the Centre Hospitalier, 8 Rue Etienne Gascon, 35600 Redon, whilst work is being carried out at the main parish church, which in turn has affected our normal place of worship in Eglise St Charles, 10 Avenue Gaston Sebilleau, Redon. One service is usually Holy Communion, led by the Chaplain, and the other a more informal service of Prayer and Praise, led by a Lay Reader or Worship Leader.
Regular Bible Studies/Prayer meetings have been held in the homes of church members.
Further details and directions to our worship centre can be obtained from the assistant warden:
Isobel: tel: 0664957676
or Alan: tel: 0241944013
Please check the Church Services page for up to date information on services.
St Paul
Boulogne, Pas de Calais
All are welcome
Anglican congregation in Calais
Anglican congregation in Calais
Christ Church Brittany, Huelgoat
We are one of the worship and fellowship locations of Christ Church Brittany.
We have an Anglican communion service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 2.30pm. This is in the church of Saint Yves in the main village square in summer months, and in the winter we move into the Maison Paroissiale diagonally across the village square. All are welcome to join us.
On the 1st and 3rd Sundays we usually meet with our sister church in Rostrenen for a zoom service on line at 10am. If you would like an invitation to join us, there is a link on the website.
Location information
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