About Us

We are a small, friendly, international congregation - coming from across Calvados and the Orne - worshipping in English in the Chapelle de La Miséricorde in the centre of Caen. We come from very diverse church backgrounds and welcome anyone wishing to join in our worship and praise; and also those who wish to find out what we are about and/or who wish to explore their own spiritual needs. We are committed to providing a warm, welcoming and safe space for all of you who would care to visit us and/or join in our Church services, or who are seeking friendship and an open ear. 

We have no resident priest but are served by active or retired priests, from Paris or elsewhere in Normandy, and by a resident Licensed Lay Minister (Reader). 

We offer Sunday services and can arrange for weddings, baptisms, confirmations and funerals. If you are interested in one of these, or if you would like to talk or feel the need for pastoral care, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can contact :

 - the churchwardens, Marian Clarke (+33 6 22 68 22 86) or Michelle Parker (+33 6 89 32 61 20); or

- the Licensed Lay Minister (Reader, authorized to take funerals), Carol Hart (+33 6 17 42 68 93).

We look forward to welcoming you to worship at La Misericorde!  After our services we stay awhile to share coffee, tea and biscuits and to get to know each other. In the summer, about once a month, we continue with a lunch in the cloisters.