Festival of Easter
- Occurring
- for 1 hour, 15 mins
- Venue
- St Nicholas' Anglican Church, Helsinki
- Address Tehtaankatu 23 B Helsinki, 00150, Finland
Welcome to a meditative evening of biblical readings, poetry, and sacred choral music selected to offer an insightful musical reflection of the spoken texts.
This rich and immersive experience—interspersed with hymn-singing—takes us on a journey from the events of Palm Sunday, through Holy Week, leading up to the Resurrection of Jesus. The Festival of Easter is an Easter season counterpart to the well-known 'Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols' in December.
St Nicholas Chamber Choir
Erik Johannes Riekko | conductor
Aleksanteri Wallius | organist
There will be a collection towards the mission of St Nicholas' Anglican Church during one of the hymns. Any voluntary donations are gratefully received. Thank you!
#eastermusic #easterhymns #eastervigil