About Us

Our Services are held at the Mikael Agricola Church as part of our common service with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland. We worship in the Anglican tradition, using language from the Book of Common Prayer. Our regular service of Sung Eucharist takes place on Sundays at 10:00am. Once a month, we hold an all-ages service that incorporates language and hymns for children.

We offer Sunday school for children up to age 11 every week. A typical Sunday lesson starts by introducing the theme or reading a story from the Bible. Lessons also consist of a craft, singing and a prayer. The children join the main congregation during the Eucharist, where they can receive communion or a blessing.  Our Youth Group, for young people aged 11 and over, usually meets every other week during the 10am Sunday morning service. We aim to learn more about Jesus and how he wants us to live and, of course, to have fun together.

The Anglican Church in Finland was originally founded by members of the Anglican Chaplaincy in St. Petersburg, fleeing the Russian Revolution. There are records that show clergy from St. Petersburg making visits to Helsinki in the years running up to 1917. The first recorded Anglican service in Finland took place in 1923. The Anglican Church of St Nicholas is "the mother congregation" to all the Anglicans in Finland.

We are called to share common life in mission and in service with our brothers and sisters in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland