10.30 Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
St Paul's, Tervuren

at St Jozef Church, Moorselstraat 203, Tervuren.
Our main Sunday Service, with children's ministry (4-13) taking place during the service time and creche available. We also have groups for young people aged 14-18 fortnightly.
The first Sunday in every month is an all -age service and we celebrate Holy Communion.

Coffee and pastries are served from 10am each Sunday, in the parish hall. It's a great way to catch up with people, we also have refreshments after the service.


Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080, Belgium

Come and Join our Fun Tots sessions
Fun Tots is for 0-4 year olds with their parents/carers and is open to everyone, not just St Paul's members.
Each session includes play, crafts, snacks, stories and singing. It's a fabulously friendly community, so come and join us!

Fun Tots meets term time only

Talking Jesus Course

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080, Belgium

Throughout Lent our small groups are running the Talking Jesus course. We also set up some extra occasions when you can follow this with us. Please see our calendar for these sessions or visit our website https://www.stpaulstervuren.org/talkingjesus

Messy Church- Easter

for 2 hours
St Paul's, Tervuren
Sint Jozefkerk Moorselstraat 203 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

Our Messy Church is a great way for the whole family to engage with each other and to learn together in a fun and active way. Its particularly suited to nursery and primary school age children with their parent(s).
In April we'll be exploring the Easter Story
We'll have a number of activities all linked to the theme - so there will be crafts, some messy and not messy activities, games and challenges. You're free to wander around and give them all a go, or just stay with your favourite. There is also a quiet/reflective corner. Refreshments are available throughout.
We finish with sharing food together around the tables as we chat some more about all that we have done and learnt. Please do sign up so we know how many to cater for. https://stpaulstervuren.churchsuite.com/events/vfgg1nh9

Messy Church

Sunday 06 April 2025 at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

Our Messy Church is a great way for the whole family to engage with each other and to learn together in a fun and active way.
​Each sessions begins with a number of activities all linked to the theme - so there will be crafts, some messy and not messy activities, games and challenges. you're free to wander around and give them all a go, or just stay with your favourite. There is also a quiet/reflective corner. Refreshments are available throughout.

This is then followed by our "Celebration time." This is our story-telling time, when we pull together all that we have been doing and learning, watch a video, sing some songs, and take a moment to reflect.
We finish with sharing food together around the tables as we chat some more about all that we have done and learnt.

Once a quarter on Saturdays (term time) please check our church calendar

Prayer Breakfast

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Paul's, Tervuren
Sint Jozefkerk Moorselstraat 203 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

Every month we gather to pray, because it is the Lord's work. We pray for our mission partner of the month, we pray for the activities that we are running, and we pray for our community and our world.
St Paul's is an intergenerational church family so when we gather we gather all ages together. We pray together in such a way that all ages can be involved, mostly in groups around the breakfast table, with prompts to make praying accessible for all ages.
There is of course food. Pastries, bacons rolls, fruit salad and yoghurt, home made jam and marmalade. There are always lactose, gluten and meat free options.
We do ask you to sign up so that we know how much food to cater for. Yet if you have forgotten to sign up, still do come because it is the praying that is important.

occasionally we need to change the date, please check our calendar

Palm Sunday Worship at St Jozef's Moorsel

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's, Tervuren
Sint Jozefkerk Moorselstraat 203 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

A morning service with distribution of Palm crosses. There will be children's and youth work during the service.

Please note that due to a European championship race many roads are closed this Sunday so you will need to plan your travel carefully

Maundy Thursday Meal

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

Join us as we share a meal together, as Jesus did with his disciples on the night before he died, and told us to do this in remembrance of him.

There will be echoes of the passover as share a roast lamb meal that reminds us of the Lamb of God that was slain, things to remind us of our escape from slavery to freedom, and we will share bread and wine together as Jesus instructed us to do.
(There will also be a vegetarian option)
Please sign up in advance https://stpaulstervuren.churchsuite.com/events/4vqdwpjx

Good Friday reflection

for 1 hour
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

The African American song asks: "where you there when they crucified my Lord?" We cannot go back in time, yet the question remains. In a busy week of work, with so much happening, it is easy to find good reasons why another service is just one thing too many.

Yet it is good for us to take some time out; to metaphorically sit at the foot of the cross, listening, being still, being filled with wonder and adoration, being moved to tears at the depth of God's love for us; at the foot of the cross where death becomes life and everything is turned upon its head.

Join us at 7.30pm at the church centre for an hour of Bible readings, music and song, reflection and prayers. There is no need to sign up. Just come.

Sunrise Service

for 1 hour
Outdoors in Tervuren
Outdoors in Tervuren, TBC please check our website, 3080, Belgium

We meet outdoors in Tervuren around Sunrise to celebrate the resurrection.
We usually meet at the car park at the Vossem side of the park, exact details to be confirmed.
Bring along your OWN BREAKFAST and stay and eat with us in the park.

Easter Sunday Worship

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Paul's, Tervuren
Sint Jozefkerk Moorselstraat 203 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

We gather together as a church family to celebrate Easter at this All age service

A service of Easter Carols

for 1 hour
St Jan-Evangelist-kerk,
St Jan-Evangelist-kerk,, Kerkstraat, 3080 Tervuren, 3080, Belgium

Join us for a celebration of Easter with both traditional and modern Easter hymns and songs... including choir led pieces and congregational singing. Followed by refreshments. We are holding this just after Easter to allow all those who are away over the Easter period to join in this celebration with us.

Digging deeper- womens group

Saturday 08 February 2025 at for 2 hours
St Paul's Church Centre
St Paul's Church Centre, Hoornzeelstraat 24, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium

His Goodness restores our soul! (Ps 23)

We would like to bring women of St Paul’s together from different ages, backgrounds and life situations to connect and go deeper with God and one another by sharing our stories and the stories of women in the bible, by listening to God and ministering to each other

From 9 – 11 h (we will serve a simple breakfast) at St Paul's church center.

We plan to meet every 6-8 weeks.
It would be really helpful if you could sign up, so we have numbers for catering

Every 6-8 weeks, please check our calendar