Holy Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

The service is lively and the music is led by by an African-style choir with many different forms of music and worship that speak to the heart and the soul. Given the particular language needs of many in Brussels, this service is usually a mix of French and English — and sometimes other languages as well. There are children and youth programmes at this service.

Le service est animé et la musique est dirigée par un chœur de style africain avec de nombreuses formes différentes de musique et de culte qui parlent au cœur et à l'âme. Étant donné les besoins linguistiques particuliers de nombreuses personnes à Bruxelles, ce service est généralement un mélange de français et d'anglais - et parfois d'autres langues également. Il existe des programmes pour les enfants et les jeunes dans ce service.

- L'Eucharistie, avec une chorale Africaine, en anglais et en franí§ais, la prédication inclue.
Un groupe biblique pour les plus jeunes. Du thé et du café servi dans la salle paroissiale.

Midweek Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

This is a ‘said’ service with prayer and a short reflection that fits perfectly into your lunch break, lasting only forty-five minutes. For those who like to create holy space in their weeks in a quiet, more contemplative way, this is an excellent service.

No services in August

BCP Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

This intimate ‘said ’service follows the order for Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (1662). For those who like to start their weeks in a quiet, more contemplative setting as well as for those who would like to worship in an historic Anglican way, this is an excellent service.

All age service

In February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

On the first Sunday of every month, our 10:30 service brings together all ages of our church family in a service designed to share the love of God with adults, youth and children alike. All Age Worship is full of devotion, discovery and drama. Whether you are young or young-at-heart, join us to worship as a family in Christ!

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Holy Communion with choir, crèche, full age range of Sunday School and youth group. Followed by refreshments in the hall.

Ash Wednesday

for 1 hour
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent as we journey with Jesus towards the cross of Good Friday. A service of Holy Communion will be offered with the imposition of ashes for all who would like to take part.

Ash Wednesday

for 1 hour
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent as we journey with Jesus towards the cross of Good Friday. A service of Holy Communion will be offered with the imposition of ashes for all who would like to take part.

Chrism Eucharist

for 1 hour
Pro-Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
29 Rue Capitaine Crespel, 1050 Brussels, 1050, Belgium

This service features a renewal of ministerial vows for Lay Readers, Deacons, Priests, and the Bishop. In Holy Week, this service offers a reminder of God's call to all Christians to be witnesses and ministers of the Gospel.
The Chrism Eucharist includes a blessing of the oils used for Baptism, anointing of the sick, and the Chrism oil used at ordinations. This oil is then distributed across the Diocese. Come and join us as we pray for the continuing work of God in this Diocese in Europe.