Facilities and features


There are two toilets in Leverton Hall adjoining the Church Building, one of which has baby changing facilities

The toilet nearest the exit to Leverton Hall has baby changing facilities

Car parking opposite the church is very limited so most people park on School Hill

The toilet nearest the exit to Leverton Hall is an accessible toilet

Includes a lift for wheelchairs and buggys

The sound system includes an induction loop which works for all of the seated area during normal services

Large print service sheets and hymn books are available on request

Assistance dogs welcome

Our Building

St Peter's Church is registered to work towards eco church status.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Occasional concerts are held in the buildings and the annual "Last Night of the Proms" video link plus live bands is bery popular


The 8.00 am service on Sunday is BCP (Book of Common Prayer)

Choir practice is on Tuesday evenings

Groups, Courses and Activities

Why do we do what we do? - Six fortnightly sessions at the vicarage looking at the things we do in church that can help us to grow in faith and understanding. Sessions start on Wednesday 8th January and end on Wednesday 25th March.

Alpha courses are held annually, starting towards the end of September

A Bible Study Group meets fortnightly in peoples homes

Messy Church

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes

The Church building is open daily just to look around or for prayer and quiet contemplation

Other Features


We are a collection point for the Farnham Food Bank. and also The Hygeine Bank. Collection boxes are by the organ

We have facilities for using Powerpoint, Video clips or Live Broadcasts as required as well as the ability to use a variety of sound sources

Both Leverton Hall and the Church Building may be hired for suitable activities