Christingle making Cafe
- Occurring
- for 2 hours
- Venue
- Holmbury Church hall
- Address Holmbury Church hall, Doors to the right of the church main entrance. Parking - a few spaces in the road beside the church up the hill, we try to keep these for people with mobility issues so do use if you need to. or park by the green or on the main road by the church., RH5 6PF
Monday December 23rd we will have an extra cafe to make the Christingle oranges up.
The cafe on the 24th is too close to the service. The previous Thursday is too long for the oranges to survive.
Please join us to make up the Christingle oranges. Children of all ages are welcome to join us although making the oranges is suitable for children above say 8 years to take part or with parental supervision for younger children. All adults are also welcomed.
There will be great refreshments available to help us as we create the oranges ready for the service on Tuesday 24th at 4pm
Christingle making Cafe
23 Dec 2024, 11 a.m. for 2 hours
Christingle making Cafe
23 Dec 2024, 11 a.m. for 2 hours