Morning Prayer

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 50 mins
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer is a non-eucharistic service which can follow a diverse range of formats, from quite formal liturgy to services with themes that engage us in different ways. For example we had a Morning Prayer service on modern slavery. We started to offer Morning Prayer a few years ago and, so far, the format has included hymns, songs and/or sung psalm, using easy-to-follow music.


Sunday Worship Resources Online at St Mary's

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

You can see our pre-recorded service offerings on our website. Feel free to use these any day and any time.
Click here to access worship resources for the services:

St Mary's Worship Online Resources are available all the time - just click on

Iona Communion service

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion using the Iona liturgy. We use a combination of traditional and more modern songs.

The Iona style service is usually the 4th Sunday of the month except in August and December when we have the services in different churches around the Benifice

Benefice Services

Sunday 29 December 2024, Sunday 30 March 2025, Sunday 29 June 2025, Sunday 30 November 2025 at for 1 hour
One of the churches in the Benefice
One of the churches in the Benefice, St James's Church in Abinger Common, or Christ church in Coldharbour, or St Mary's in Holmbury St Mary or St john's in Wotton., United Kingdom

At 10.30am, on every 5th Sunday of the Month and through August we join with the other 3 churches in the benefice.

We travel around the churches in the benefice going to a different church for a service of Holy Communion on each 5th Sunday and all Sundays in August. The 4 churches are in Abinger Common, Coldharbour, Holmbury St Mary and Wotton. Please see the church website,, for details of where the next Benefice service will be.

Every 5th Sunday in the month and all Sundays in August.

Holy Communion (said)

In January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, November, December. Every First Sunday at for 35 mins
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

A short, reflective service of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. Starts earlier at 9.30am and the Funday for children and families follows after this

First Sunday of all months except August


In January, February, March, April, June, July, September, November, December. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

A lively craft-based act of worship for families with dramatised readings that everyone can join in with. Refreshments at 10.15 then dramatised story with costumes for all, songs and crafts for all ages. Finishes between 11.30am and 12noon

Some months we have all-age worship so please check our website for up to date information

Holy Communion (sung)

Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

Common Worship, with communion, on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Sung, with choir.

Good Friday Morning Prayer

for 1 hour
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

A short reflection on the events on Good Friday.

Holmbury Cafe

Tuesday 24 September 2024, Thursday 26 September 2024 at for 2 hours
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

An informal Cafe for the community held in the church hall most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 1pm.

Do join us for great company and great coffee and other refreshments. More information on the cafes on the church website or contact us [use the contact page] to check it will be running.

We also do repairs. These include clothes and soft furnishings - both repairs and simple alterations. Plus repairs of mechanical and electrical items. We are happy to look at anything you can easily carry to the cafe - no guarantee but we will try to fix it!

Most weeks on a Tuesday and Thursday

Harvest Festival

Sunday 06 October 2024 at for 45 mins
Holmbury Church
Horsham Road Holmbury St Mary Dorking ///fault.stray.excuse entrance from small road by church, RH5 6PF, United Kingdom

Our annual celebration of the the bounty and blessing of harvest in the UK. This is an all-age service. There will be activities for younger children as well.
Refreshments afterwards will include cake!

We ask for donations of food for the Dorking food bank - dried foods and tins. See the food bank list of what they can use

Please bring your donations to the church in the week prior to the service or on Sunday October 6th for the service at 10am.

An annual service often on the first Sunday of October