About Us
St Mary’s is in the delightful village of Holmbury St Mary at the centre of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We hold services at Holmbury all Sundays except the 5th Sunday in a month and during August. The 5th Sunday and August services are in one of the Benefice churches - see our website for more details https://www.holmburychurch.com/.
We have been a Joint Benefice with the neighbouring parish of St John the Evangelist, Wotton, since 1979. The Benefice has recently expanded to include the other churches in the former Leith Hill Group: St James, Abinger and Christ Church, Coldharbour.
We currently have a vacancy for our part-time vicar - with a house for service. If you would like to join this wonderful community and would be interested in this job do contact our churchwardens who can tell you more. Meanwhile, a huge thank you to Rev'd Kia who is helping us during the vacancy along with Rev'd Virginia and Martha.
The church was built in 1879 by the eminent Victorian architect George Edmund Street and its architectural style could be described as high Victorian. However, as the only church in the village, we try to make our style of worship as wide-ranging and diverse as possible in order to serve the needs of every parishioner and visitor. We seek to do this through a pattern of services that includes both formal (liturgical) and informal approaches, through regular prayer and discussion groups and through our lively family activities. We extend a warm welcome to both villagers and visitors whether they are occasional worshippers or are seeking a deeper spiritual understanding.