Holy Week for Children
We have an informal worship at St Mark’s at 9.15am on Palm Sunday (2 April), followed by Palm Sunday fun activities including pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and a bouncy castle. Then at 10.45am, we process through Surbiton down to St Andrew’s, remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. You can stay for that service too or just peel off for your coffee/ home time!
On Good Friday, at 10am at St Mark’s, we have a short act of worship specially designed for children, interacting with the Easter story. This is followed by a craft activity and hot cross buns to eat. Come at 10am. All done by about 11.30am. The worship itself lasts about 20 minutes.
On Easter Day, at 9.15am, we have worship with the blessing of the Easter candle, an action song and informal delights, at St Mark’s; then our first choral eucharist will be at 11am on Easter Day including Sunday Club.