Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Venue Address
Coldharbour Road Pyrford Woking, GU22 8SP, United Kingdom
30 mins of songs, actions, shakers, a story and prayer, followed by play & refreshments

Term time only (occasional meetings during summer holidays, see church website for details)

Pyrford: Church of the Good Shepherd

Sunday 22nd December 2024

Morning Service at The Good Shepherd 10am

Carol Service at The Good Shepherd 6.30pm

Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Crib Service at The Good Shepherd 2.30pm and 4pm

Christmas Eve Midnight Communion at The Good Shepherd 11pm

Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day

Christmas Day Service at The Good Shepherd 10am

Get in touch

Linda Knowles

Pyrford Parish Office, Coldharbour Road, Pyrford, Woking, Surrey, GU22 8SP

GU22 8SP
Parish Operations Manager
01932 346345

Our website

What's on

Tots Praise

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Pyrford: Church of the Good Shepherd
Coldharbour Road Pyrford Woking, GU22 8SP, United Kingdom

30 mins of songs, actions, shakers, a story and prayer, followed by play & refreshments

Term time only (occasional meetings during summer holidays, see church website for details)

Pyrford: Church of the Good Shepherd Charity No. 1128605