The Gathering - Sunday Mornings at St John's

Every Sunday at for 2 hours
St John's, Windlesham
Church Road Windlesham Surrey, GU20 6BL, United Kingdom

We warmly invite you to join us as we gather together on Sunday to meet with each other in the presence of our loving God.

We begin to gather from 9.00am to set up, pray and have a time of catch up before worship during which refreshments are served. We break at 10.00am when all are invited to gather for worship, SJB Kids – Junior Church (our Sunday children’s group) usually meets from 10.20am – 11.00am. At the end of our worship there will be opportunity to come together for extended fellowship. Our hope and prayer is that we may come together to be and do church with one another.

There will be times when we will all come together in celebration at significant times throughout the year. These will include Remembrance Day, Advent, Christmas Day, Easter Day, Pentecost, Patronal & Harvest.

We pray that as we gather together as the church to enjoy a time of fellowship and worship we may all become aware of God’s loving presence with us.

All are welcome.

Online Services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour

We livestream our Regular Sunday Morning Worship on our YouTube channel for those who are unable to join us in person.
To jump straight there click on the 'MORE INFO' button below.

Worship Together Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St John's, Windlesham
Church Road Windlesham Surrey, GU20 6BL, United Kingdom

Worship Together is our intergeneration worship and a time when all ages stay together to enjoy God’s presence among us – whatever our age!

Our focus for this gathering is ‘Sharing the Family Meal‘ – as we share bread and wine together remembering all God has done for us in and through Jesus Christ. We use a shortened liturgy (a fancy word for the words we say in our service), participate in ‘Active Learning’ rather than the usual sermon, and encourage participation from all who are with us. Please note that our SJB Kids groups do not meet but there is always a room set aside with a live stream from the church for those who may need it.

We end our time together with extended fellowship (another fancy word to say refreshments are served and there’s an opportunity to meet old and new friends alike). Whether you find yourself in the midst of a busy a family, single, or anywhere in between, we warmly invite you to join us as we gather as part of the ‘Big Family of God’.

We look forward to welcoming you.