About Us

St James’ is a landmark building at the heart of Weybridge Town Centre. It was built in 1848, one of the earliest works of John Loughborough Pearson, the architect of Truro Cathedral. But, more importantly, St James' is the home of a Christian community which understands itself to be a sign of God’s love for the world today, with an Inclusive welcome for all.

Our aim is to bring Christian values to life within and beyond the parish of Weybridge. We do this through worship, pastoral care, baptisms, weddings and funerals, outreach and by doing whatever we can to support the community, including through our Foodbank.

The Parish Centre (next door to the church) is used by many community groups including AA, CA, Elmbridge CAN & WW; we hold a monthly service for dementia sufferers and their carers; we host a client session for Runnymede Foodbank in the church every Thursday and a weekly morning group for parents and young children. 

We have a marvellous choir. We welcome you whether you want to come and sit at the back in the service, occasionally or often, or if you’d like to get involved in what we’re doing in Weybridge.

St James’ is part of the Church of England and the Diocese of Guildford. Our life and worship is rooted in the sacrament of the Eucharist, where bread and wine show the presence of Jesus Christ in the world.

We aim to help all who come into contact with the Church to find something of God, and to grow in life, faith and peace. Welcome.