Holy Communion or a form of Morning Prayer

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
Holmwood: St Mary Magdalene
Betchets Green Road South Holmwood Dorking, RH5 4JX, United Kingdom

Please see the church website stmmh.org.uk and/or the parish magazine for details of this and other worship at St Mary Magdalene, The Holmwood.

Holmwood: St Mary Magdalene

St Mary Magdalene Church, built in 1838, provides a well loved spiritual space in a busy world. Join us for the Sunday service at 10.00 am. In addition, the building may be used for quiet moments. Please respect our Church as a place of prayer.

Get in touch

The Churchwarden

St Mary Magdalene, Betchets Green Road, South Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey

07519 824905

Our website

What's on

Holy Communion or a form of Morning Prayer

Every Sunday at for 40 mins
Holmwood: St Mary Magdalene
Betchets Green Road South Holmwood Dorking, RH5 4JX, United Kingdom

Please see the church website stmmh.org.uk and/or the parish magazine for details of this and other worship at St Mary Magdalene, The Holmwood.


Here at St. Mary’s, safeguarding is not just about children, youth or vulnerable adults. It is about all of us. We have adopted the same safeguarding policy as the Diocese of Guildford, which is also the same as the safeguarding policy for the Church of England. Please click the linked text to access a copy of the Parish Safeguarding Handbook.

If you would like to raise any safeguarding concern, a disclosure has been made to you, or you would like to make a disclosure, please contact any of the Parish Clergy (see stmmh.org.uk) or our Parish Safeguarding Officer. In your email, please do not outline any of the details of the concern or disclosure, rather let us know that you have a concern or disclosure, along with the contact information that is most appropriate and you are most comfortable sharing and you will be contacted within 24 hours. If the concern or disclosure is related to any of the Parish Clergy, please only contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer. If the concern or disclosure is related to the Parish Safeguarding Officer, please only contact one of the Parish Clergy.

See stmmh.org.uk for details of the clergy and safeguarding officer.