Facilities and features
Our toilet is twinned with a site in Pakistan under the Tearfund toilet twinning scheme.
Our one and only toilet has all the facilities you need but please take dirty nappies home or to our grey collection bins outside.
The bike rack of the Crown public house next door are available to visitors of the church.
Our one and only toilet has all the facilities you require.
We have some large print service sheets available.
All dogs are welcome on a lead and if they can comfortably be quiet throughout the service.
Our Building
In June 2018 we were awarded bronze award and we are working hard to achieve silver in 19/20.
St John the Baptist is a grade II listed building.
Music and Worship
Practice every Wednesday evening in either Capel or in Ockley. For details see website events calendar https://www.capelandockleychurch.org.uk/events-calendar/.
See https://www.capelandockleychurch.org.uk/events-calendar/
We have regular BCP services at 8am. For dates see website events calendar www.capelandockleychurch.org.uk/event.
The choir rehearses in St John, Capel most Thursdays from 7pm to 8pm, working on anthems for regular services and special services around Easter and Chhristmas.
The band is ever present at cafe church.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Two groups meet regularly. Please contact our vicar for more information.
Once a month on Tuesday afternoon in the Capel Memorial Hall. For dates see https://www.capelandockleychurch.org.uk/events-calendar/
Help for Visitors
The table in church just left of the entrance has reading material regarding church and churchyard.
Every weekday from 10:00 - 16:00, please adhere to the guidelines on sanitising and distancing.
Other Features
We sell LOAF (Loacal, Organic, Animal-friendly & Fairtrade) goods at reasonable prices at a regular stall in church.
Collection point for Dorking Foodbank
Surrey Hills, area of outstanding natural beauty.