Welcome! St Stephen's is a place to encounter God and to go deeper with Him. It's a place to belong, to find meaning and to make a difference. We have a heart to see lives and communities transformed by the love of Jesus. Our daily ambition is simply to live lives that reflect Jesus more closely.
9am Communion Service This is a warm and traditional 60 minute service in the church building using Common Worship liturgy. Refreshments are served after the service in our church hall, The Cross.
10:45am Family Services These are relaxed and informal family-orientated services, more contemporary in style, with lively music, readings, preaching, prayers and more. (with communion once a month). The children will have their own children’s group activities in The Cross. Light refreshments served in the church after the service.
10.45am All Together Service with Communion. (second Sunday) A opportunity for our 9am and 10.45am congregations to worhsip together with the children staying in for the whole service. We join together after the service for a bring and share lunch in our church hall
Shottermill: St. Stephen's Charity No. 1134016