Change is coming...


St Clare's is entering a new season. It's one which will bring many changes - from our leadership, to our social media, our events calendar and more! It's a very exciting time for us and for Park Barn. Keep an eye out around our building and online to see how many you can spot…

We know that however exciting it is, change can also be hard, so as we move into this new season here are 3 things which aren't changing:

Our 10:30 service - we'll still be there, same time, same place with our familiar pattern of morning worship.

Who is welcome - St Clare's will still be the church built by the people of Park Barn, for the people of Park barn, whoever they are and regardless of anything else about them.

And most importantly of all, God and His love for you will never change, and He always offers a fresh start with each new day:

The Lord's unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise…  Lamentations 3:22-23 (Good News Translation)

Photo credit: Neil Mark Thomas on Unsplash