St Andrew's and St Francis

Get in touch

Emma Dear

Parish Office, Upper Church Lane, Farnham, Surrey

Office Manager/Children and Families Worker
01252 715412

Our website

What's on

Little Wiggles

Every Monday and Friday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's and St Francis
Church Lane Farnham, GU9 7PW, United Kingdom

Do come along to our friendly Baby and Toddler Group! Every Monday and Friday morning during term time from 9.30am - 11am

Term time only


Our Parish is committed to following the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm.

Concerns of any sort should be reported to The Rector, The Revd. H. David Uffindell (01252 710129), or our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lizzie Cronin (01252 715412).

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Jackie Broadfoot (07918 559387)

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