Holy Week and Easter.
Morning prayer will be said each day at 9:00am
5th March Ash Wednesday
Imposition of Ashes at 9:00am, 12:00 noon and 8:00pm
13th April – Palm Sunday
Holy Communion at 8:00am and 9:30am
Holy Week 14th, 15th, 16th April
Holy Communion at 8:00pm (& 10:00am on Tuesday)
17th April - Maundy Thursday
8:00pm Stripping of the Altar and Gethsemane watch
18th April - Good Friday
8:00am Mass of the Pre-sanctified.
11:00 Children and Families Stations of the Cross in and around the Church.
Noon – 3:00pm Three hours at the foot of Cross- last hour Service of Veneration of the Cross.
19th April - Holy Saturday
8:30pm – Easter Vigil and service of light.
20th April- Easter Sunday
Holy Communion at 8:00am and 9:30am
11:15am Family Easter worship (including JAM), followed by Easter Egg hunt.
12:00 Noon, Parish picnic at Vicarage