Holy Week and Easter. Morning prayer will be said each day at 9:00am5th March Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes at 9:00am, 12:00 noon and 8:00pm13th April – Palm Sunday Holy Communion at 8:00am and 9:30amHoly Week 14th, 15th, 16th AprilHoly Communion at 8:00pm (& 10:00am on Tuesday)17th April - Maundy Thursday 8:00pm Stripping of the Altar and Gethsemane watch18th April - Good Friday 8:00am Mass of the Pre-sanctified.11:00 Children and Families Stations of the Cross in and around the Church.Noon – 3:00pm Three hours at the foot of Cross- last hour Service of Veneration of the Cross.19th April - Holy Saturday 8:30pm – Easter Vigil and service of light.20th April- Easter SundayHoly Communion at 8:00am and 9:30am11:15am Family Easter worship (including JAM), followed by Easter Egg hunt.12:00 Noon, Parish picnic at Vicarage
Lent gatherings – Every Monday evening and Friday afternoon during Lent, there will be gatherings to explore the Bible. Typically, the Lent groups are conducted using a discussion format; however, this year we will use a talk format as requested.The planned program will be:• Week 1 – Overview of the construction of the Bible.• Week 2 – The Hebrew Bible.• Week 3 – Gospels, both Canonical and others.• Week 4 – Acts and the Epistles.• Week 5 – Revelation and revelations.The Friday group will meet at 12:00 noon and have a light lunch followed by a talk on the Bible. Donations for the lunch will be requested, and any profit will be given to our Lent charity.The Monday group will meet at 7:30 PM for refreshments and will start the gathering at 8:00 PM.
St Mary's is a silver standard Eco Church and we are always seeking new ways to be more ecologically friendly. Most recently we have been investing in a project to change all our lighting to LED units. We have also created a wild flower meadow in our Churchyard and devoted a section of the Vicarage land for a wildlife garden.If you would like to know more about our eco group please speak to Fr Mark
Come and join us a a night of Elvis songs live entertainment and licenced bar