
Safeguarding at St Peter’s Church is taken seriously. The overall responsibility for safeguarding in St Peter’s lies with the PCC who have appointed

Sandy Crowther Tel; 01483208329 as their safeguarding officer.

Each year the PCC update their safeguarding policy for St Peter’s in line with guidance issued by the Guildford Diocese. The policy and procedures can be found on the Church notice board.

The Diocesan website sets out the policies and procedures, with the Church of England’s commitment to making the church a safer place for all. Details of the publication “Parish safeguarding handbook” are also there.

Safeguarding covers both child protection and vulnerable adult protection. All volunteers who regularly work, train or supervise anyone in these groups is requested to complete a DBS check along with a confidential declaration- the latter is renewed every three years.

Child protection and vulnerable adult awareness training is regularly offered in conjunction with Guildford Diocese for all volunteers and for members of the


If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact

Sandy Crowther safeguarding officer by e mail [email protected];  or on 01483208329

or click on the safeguarding link on the Diocesan website for Diocesan safeguarding officer details.