St Mary and All Saints Church and the adjacent Holy Well feature in a new book called Britain's Pilgrim Places by Nick Mayhew-Smith and Guy Hayward (published by The British Pilgrimage Trust, £19.99).
It's a beautiful book featuring historic churches, cathedrals and abbeys from all parts of Britain. As well as the grandiose cathedrals there also tiny rural churches of Saxon origins, hidden to prevent their sacking by raiding Vikings. You could certainly do worse than plan your British holidays for 2021 around the recommendations of this inspired work.
Our beautiful church is highlighted with special mention of "some of the oldest pews in England." They also picture the ancient yew tree, "at least 1500 years old". This tree and nearby well suggest that Dunsfold was already "a pagan place of worship when the Christian missionaries first arrived."
They repeat the William Morris quote well-known in these parts. Morris described our church as "the most beautiful country church in all England." And they conclude with the view: "It's certainly worth a visit, but bear in mind that he (Morris) was obsessed by late 13th century architecture, of which Dunsfold is a sublime example."
If you are a pilgrim and wishing to visit these parts please let us know about your intentions.