Welcome to St Mary and All Saints' Church, Dunsfold.

At Saint Mary & All Saints we offer a very warm Christian welcome to everyone; without exception. 

Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith or even if you are just curious about God, we are here to help you. We have a range of services that we hope cater for all ages and traditions.

We have Holy Communion services from Common Worship, a contemporary service that uses modern language but loses none of the richness of its Book of Common Prayer counterpart.

Café Church, a relaxed service of food, fun and praise, is held once a month in the Winn Hall in the centre of the village.

Our Funday@Four service, which take place in St Mary & All Saints, is aimed at our younger people with their parents. The emphasis is definitely on fun with tea and cakes served after sessions of worship, stories and crafts.

We are also able to hold occasional concerts; mystery plays and talks in the church which draw quite a few people.

Our welcome to you is warm and genuine, so come and join us; come and see your parish church and meet your fellow parishioners and make yourself at home.

On February 24th 2025, Fr Shane Griffiths was appointed as our new rector. He works three days each week plus Sundays in the parishes of Dunsfold and Hascombe. Fr Shane can be contacted on 07582 078006.