SUSPENSION OF ADMINISTERING THE CHALICE In light of the spread of the coronavirus, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have advised that with immediate effect, and until further notice, all parishes are to suspend the administering of the chalice during Holy Communion as well as physical contact during the Peace.Communion will be offered in the form of the consecrated bread/wafer. The priest alone will take the wine.
The Rt Rev Andrew Watson’s visit to Dunsfold sparked a packed house at the Winn Hall - and the memorable sight of Revd Ian Maslin sporting a kilt.The Bishop of Guildford’s trip coincided with St David’s Day and the launch of our parish Lent fundraising efforts. Bishop Andrew’s sermon was imaginative and thought-provoking. And Revd Ian explained that it was the perfect day for him to sport his kilt because it was, in fact, a Welsh tartan called Dewi Sant (St David).The Cafe Church service was a joint initiative with St Peter’s Hascombe, who helped to swell the numbers in attendance on a beautiful spring morning.And our friends from Hascombe will help stage and support our Lent campaign that as usual will raise funds for the Bishop of Guildford’s Lent Appeal. All money raised will be split between church causes helping the poor, needy and deprived in the diocese as well as the work of emerging church leaders in South Sudan.As the Bishop pointed out, South Sudan is the newest nation in the world. The population are recovering from the traumas of civil war and their efforts to establish stability have now been hit by a plague of locusts.We hope you will endeavour to support a Lent lunch or make a donation to the cause.
When he was appointed area dean last year Revd Canon Roy Woodhams promised to visit on foot all the parishes in his deanery. He added the caveat that he'd wait for the better weather so let's hope it does finally improve when he arrives in Dunsfold on Monday, March 16.His plan for that day is to arrive at St Peter's Hascombe for Morning Prayers at 8.30am and then start walking at 9.15am.He is scheduled to arrive at St Mary and All Saints Dunsfold at 10.15 am for coffee and prayers. He will commence his walk from Dunsfold to Alfold at 11.00am. From there he will walk to Loxwood to complete his efforts for the day.Please come along to church to welcome our area dean and, if you're free, join him on his walk to Alfold. And if you can't do either of those but see a larger-than-life cleric walking the lanes of Dunsfold with some friends please give him a hearty wave.