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‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without even knowing it’ Hebrews 13.1

The crisis in Ukraine has once again reminded us of the needs of the many people who are displaced across the world, unable to stay in their homes for fear of war, torture, famine, persecution or the lack of basic human rights.
Through the Homes for Ukraine scheme there are many Ukrainians now living with host families across the diocese. Several parishes and areas have set up hubs for Ukrainians and hosts to meet and chat.
There are very many more Ukrainians than we have homes for, so if you know of anyone who would consider being a host, please let us know [email protected]

Refugees are not just coming from Ukraine - The Community Sponsorship programme welcomes refugees from refugee camps into the UK. Several families from a variety of nationalities have come into Surrey by this route. Sponsor groups take responsibility for the refugee family for two years, ensuring they have a home in an independent property and helping them to resettle here. It is great that a group from the Roman Catholic Refugee support group in Guildford have linked with the Mission Group in the Anglican parish of Shere, alongside the Refugee Support Adviser in the diocese to bring in a new refugee family. What a privilege to have these new families join us; do let us know if you would like more details of this scheme.

The new Nationality and Borders Act is a source of concern for many of us, especially the outsourcing of people seeking asylum. Many bishops, including Bishop Andrew, have signed a letter of concern about these new plans.
This diocese now has several bridging hotels for people seeking asylum. These can be places of great need and it is with gratitude that we welcome the good neighbourliness and support of local churches and voluntary groups.

This year Refugee Tales are walking from Merstham to Winchester from July 2nd to 6th and will be walking through Guildford Diocese. Day 2 takes them from Dorking to Guildford with an evening event in Holy Trinity Church, Guildford with Prologue of the Time Traveller’s Tale by Shami Chakrabarti. Day 3 is going from Guildford to Farnham with an evening event at Farnham Maltings hosted by Niamh Cusack.