
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Lambeth Conference is getting nearer. Caroline and I are looking forward to welcoming you to Canterbury this July (26th July – 8th August).

The Lambeth Conference theme of ‘God’s Church for God’s World’, reminds us that we are called upon as Christians to pray for the needs of the world. There are many calls upon our prayers at this time: World peace, the global climate crisis, the effects of the pandemic - to name but a few.

I am writing to ask if you will call all those in your care to pray for the Lambeth Conference. Please pray that as we meet and consider our shared mission and ministry, that we may hear the call from God. In turn, that we might add our voices to call others to make a difference for Christ in the world.

To mark this call to prayer, I am inviting you to devote a day to prayer for the Lambeth Conference on Trinity Sunday (June 12th) this year.

As we celebrate the fact that God has revealed God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; so may we give some time on that day to pray for the event, for the bishops and spouses, for those organising it and for the impact it will have on the Anglican Communion in the decade ahead. May we give thanks for all that is being prepared and pray with hope that our time together will be fruitful and productive.

To support you in your prayers on Trinity Sunday – and for the season of the Lambeth Conference this summer, we enclose a short prayer guide.

The guide includes prayers from several Anglican Religious Communities around the Communion and relates to many of the important themes that will be discussed during the event. The prayer guide is available in different languages and will be on the Lambeth Conference web site. You can use it for Trinity Sunday and invite your churches to use it throughout the time of the event in July-August.

I know that many of you have been praying for the Lambeth Conference in recent months, for which I am very grateful. Please be assured that you are upheld in our prayers too.

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.....” (1 Peter chapter 1 verses 13 – 15)

Yours in Christ,

Justin Cantuar