Notices Church_news
When Revd Danny Driver became the parish vicar at Christ the Redeemer, Barnwell, he used sport ministry to build new bridges between the church and the community – creating links with local schools and finding innovative ways to serve the community through sports.

Danny believes sports ministry helps improve people’s lives – physically, socially, and spiritually – as well as being an effective way for the church to make new connections with young people.

“Sport can bring people together from all sorts of backgrounds and unite them,” Danny explained.

"As a church, it was a glaringly obvious opportunity for us to use sport to connect with new people, to form community, and to share the good news of Jesus with them.”

The sporting activities at the church include a Friday night Youth Group, multi-sports activities and an after-school club providing sports alongside crafts to teach the Bible to children.

“There are 16 kids attending the after-school club, 10 have never had church contact before,” said Danny.

“These young people had no idea that being in a church could be like this, their perceptions of church have changed.

“Part of our vision is to see young people’s lives transformed through the power of the Gospel.”

A multi-sport camp is also offered to the entire community for one week during the summer holidays. Alongside sports, games and a BBQ, attendees are encouraged to learn about Jesus.

Danny says that last year more than 40 children took part, and three new families began attending the church as a direct result of being invited to the event.

Danny reflected: “Whilst setting up new sporting groups, we have started to see growth in the number of children and young people that we are regularly in contact with, it’s wonderful.”