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A Private Members’ Bill which would abolish the two child limit to Universal Credit was drawn from the ballot, to be introduced in the coming session by the Bishop of Durham. 

For the last five years, support provided by the child element of Universal Credit has been limited to the first two children. The Universal Credit (Removal of Two Child Limit) Bill would remove the restriction introduced in 2016 and reinstate entitlement of support for all children and qualifying young people.

The Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Paul Butler (see photo) said about the bill: “There is a huge amount of evidence that says that the two child limit is pushing larger families into poverty. There were significant concerns about this raised at the time the limit was introduced, and they have proved true five years later.

“I am pleased to introduce the bill into the Lords in this session, and I hope that it will be an opportunity to give proper time and attention to this issue.

“If there was ever a time to take a positive step forward to support families, it is as we are in the grips of a cost-of-living crisis, feeling the effect of an insufficient social security system.

“We must seek to be a just and compassionate nation, remembering that all children are of great value, not just the first two.”